You don’t deserve the abuse, it’s definitely not your fault and you don’t have to live with it.

What Is Mental & Emotional Abuse?

Although you may be aware of the common signs of emotional abuse and manipulation, it can be easy to overlook the subtle early warning signs when you are in an abusive situation. These subtle signs can eventually escalate into a persistent pattern of abusive behavior.

Emotional abuse is a type of abuse that involves using words, actions, and a pattern of behavior to control, intimidate, or isolate the victim. It may not involve physical violence, but it may include threats of violence. Emotional abuse can start slowly and become more frequent over time. It is characterized by the abuser’s words, actions, and the consistency of these behaviors.

Abuse can occur in any relationship and affect people of any age or gender. The abuser may be a spouse, romantic partner, business partner, parent, caretaker, or even an adult child. It is not limited to romantic relationships. If you believe you’re experiencing emotional abuse, trust your instincts.

Emotional Abuse

You don’t deserve the abuse, it’s definitely not your fault and you don’t have to live with it.
Someone abusing you try to undermine your self-esteem by using one or more of the following techniques:

Humiliation, Negating & Criticizing

Control & Shame

Accusing, Blaming & Denial

Emotional Neglect & Isolation